We set forth a reduced waste challenge for this week at house church tonight. Everyone is challenge to not use any paper cups, etc or new paper or plastic bags throughout this week. Bring your own mug/cup/bag/backpack. We are tying into part of chapter 10's ecological community section. Next week we will also discuss our reflections from this week on building community. Think of some practical ways.
Longest day of the year is thursday. See you at 5:30 at Gold Medal Park!
This is a picture of my cousins and I on top of a mountain.
tuesday 6/19. I am not doing so good on the challenge. Yesterday, my co-worker called me to pick up a latte for her b/c she knew I was at the grocery store. I didn't know what to say and knew she would want to drink out of my mug. I bought her the drink and felt shame.
thursday 6/21. was doing ok until i bought a pop at target yesterday over my lunch break. didn't even think about it until i got back to work. i need to re-wire my brain.
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