Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I couldn't make a freaking comment if my life depended on it

I tried to make a comment on matt's "teddy bear meets jesus meets horse" post but it just did not work and then I got facklemped and made the title of my post sound angsty...or something. Anyhow. Billy left a message on my phone the other day saying that Liz would perhaps like to tell her story this Sunday but alas, I do not have her number so someone would have to contact her if we wanted to do the story thang. Maybe we should do food/story/superbowl this Sunday...What'dya think?



Abby said...

comment comment comment.
its working i think? anyway, yes i agree with you on the story/superbowl/food thing. jackie and i will bring something good and football-ish.

p.s. the picture of the horses really freaks me out for some reason. is that weird?

Mikhal Rebekah said...

so the comment function is working for me at the moment, but jayme i do share your frustration w/ blogger... it sometimes just will not do what you want it to. still excited about the blog though, don't get me wrong =).

so what kinds of side dishes/snacks might go with "something good and football-ish"? aka... what can i bring?

lastly, i find all of matt's pictures equally frightening.